Machine Learning Engineer at Vody, Data Engineer at Dollar Shave Club, Full-Stack Web at The Onion & ClickHole

Some Personal Projects

Machine learning

Web apps

  • gif hell

    New and trending gifs on twitter. Media: The Atlantic, NBC News,

  • Internet Peso

    "Digital currency for humans." A joke cybercurrency. Written in Django but has classy .aspx URLs. Generates printable notes with QR codes for transferring funds offline.

  • StereoSelfie

    Capture a pair of images which, when viewed together, produce a 3D effect. Uses your webcam and computer vision techniques to estimate the distance between pictures. Github

No longer up

  • DoppelChat

    Anonymous peer-to-peer chatroom where the conversation threads are clustered by image similarity. Uses WebRTC for P2P and convnetjs for computing feature vectors via a convolutional neural network. UI is React with material-ui.

  • Oldstagramme

    "Take pictures which take time to take." An online daguerreotype simulator. BuzzFeed write-up



BuzzFeed upgrades

  • ButtFeet

    BuzzFeed but with slightly different text and images. Uses Varnish, uWSGI, and BeautifulSoup.

  • BzzzFeee

    Turns entire BuzzFeed articles into easy-to-consume .gifs.



  • Coolmit

    A custom command for git which allows you to "mine" commit hashes with custom prefixes.
